An application may be made to the Administrative Review Tribunal for the review of a decision of the Regulator to do any of the following:
(aaa) cancel a nomination under section 11B;
(aab) cancel a nomination under section 11C;
(a) not register a corporation under section 17;
(ab) not register a person under section 18AA;
(b) not deregister a person under section 18B;
(c) make a determination under section 20;
(d) refuse to make a determination under section 20;
(da) refuse to issue a reporting transfer certificate under section 22L;
(db) refuse to give consent to the surrender of the reporting transfer certificate under section 22N;
(dc) cancel a reporting transfer certificate under section 22P;
(dca) issue, or refuse to issue, safeguard mechanism credit units under section 22XNA;
(dcb) require a relinquishment of relinquishable units under section 22XNE;
(dcc) refuse to remit the whole or a part of an amount under subsection 22XNJ(2);
(dd) refuse to make a determination under the safeguard rules;
(de) make a determination under the safeguard rules;
(df) refuse to make a declaration under the safeguard rules;
(dg) make a declaration under the safeguard rules;
(e) refuse an application under section 25;
(ea) refuse to disclose information under section 27;
(f) refuse an application under section 54;
(g) declare a facility under paragraph 54(1)(b);
(ga) refuse an application under section 54A;
(gb) declare a facility under paragraph 54A(1)(b);
(gc) declare a facility under subsection 54B(1);
(h) refuse an application under section 55;
(i) declare that a corporation has operational control of a facility under paragraph 55(1)(b);
(ia) refuse an application under section 55A;
(ib) declare that a non - group entity has operational control of a facility under paragraph 55A(1)(b);
(j) refuse to register an individual in the register of greenhouse and energy auditors kept under section 75A.