(1) Each of the following constitutes grounds for disciplinary action against a servicing licensee or a public weighbridge licensee:
(a) the licensee has failed to comply with a provision of this Act, or with a condition of the licence;
(b) the licensee has been found guilty of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty;
(c) in the case of a servicing licensee--continuously, for a period prescribed by the regulations, neither the licensee nor any employee of the licensee is competent to perform the functions and duties of a verifier;
(d) in the case of a public weighbridge licensee--continuously, for a period prescribed by the regulations, neither:
(i) the licensee; nor
(ii) an employee of the licensee; nor
(iii) a person who contracts with the licensee to operate the weighbridge; nor
(iv) an employee of a person mentioned in subparagraph (iii);
has the competencies appropriate to operate the public weighbridge;
(e) the activities to which the licence relates are being carried on in a dishonest or unfair manner;
(f) the Secretary would be required by sections 18NC or 18PC to refuse an application for a licence by the licensee (if the licensee were not already licensed);
(g) the licensee has been refused a licence under this Act or an earlier corresponding law;
(h) the licensee is the subject of disciplinary action under section 18QC or under the equivalent provision of an earlier corresponding law;
(i) the licensee is not, for any other reason, a fit and proper person to continue to hold a licence.
(2) A ground for disciplinary action under subsection (1) exists in relation to a licensee that is a partnership if:
(a) in relation to the grounds mentioned in paragraphs (a), (b), (f), (g), (h) and (i)--the ground exists in relation to any one or more of the members of the partnership; and
(b) in relation to the grounds mentioned in paragraphs (c) and (d)--neither the partners nor anyone else mentioned in those paragraphs has the competencies mentioned in those paragraphs.
(3) A ground for disciplinary action under paragraph (1)(i) exists in relation to a licensee that is a body corporate if it exists in relation to a person concerned in the management of the body corporate.