Each of the following decisions of the Minister is a reviewable decision :
(a) a decision under section 16 to refuse to grant a licence (including a decision that is taken to have been made under section 17);
(b) a decision under section 18 to impose, revoke or vary a licence condition;
(c) a decision under section 19AC to refuse to renew a licence (including a decision that is taken to have been made under section 19AD);
(d) a decision under section 19A to terminate a licence;
(e) a decision under section 19B to refuse to transfer a licence;
(f) a decision under section 19C to refuse to amend a licence;
(g) a decision under subsection 19D(1) to suspend a licence;
(h) a decision under subsection 19D(3) to specify either or both of the following in a suspension notice given under that subsection:
(i) actions the licensee must take for the suspension to end;
(ii) a fixed period for the suspension;
(i) a decision under paragraph 19D(7)(a) to vary a suspension notice;
(j) a decision under section 20 to cancel a licence;
(k) a decision under section 28 to allocate, or refuse to allocate, a quota;
(l) a decision under section 33 to vary or revoke a reserve HCFC quota;
(m) a decision under section 35A to direct a licensee to export a quantity of HCFCs;
(n) a decision under section 36H to direct an SGG licensee to export a quantity of HFCs.