(1) Only the following people can make a PPL claim for a child:
(a) the child's birth mother;
(b) an adoptive parent of the child;
(c) a person who:
(i) is a parent of the child; and
(ii) is not the child's birth mother;
(d) the partner of the child's birth mother;
(e) the partner of an adoptive parent of the child;
(f) the partner of a person covered by paragraph (c);
(g) a person who satisfies the circumstances prescribed by the PPL rules as being exceptional circumstances in which a PPL claim can be made.
(2) Only the following people can make a special PPL claim for a child:
(a) the partner of a person covered by paragraph (1)(g);
(b) a person who satisfies the circumstances prescribed by the PPL rules as being exceptional circumstances in which a special PPL claim can be made.