(1) A slow small business payer direction given to an entity (the recipient ) may require the recipient:
(a) to publish specified statements or information in accordance with this section; or
(b) to take reasonable steps to cause a constitutionally covered entity that the recipient controls (a controlled entity ) to publish specified statements or information in accordance with this section.
(2) The direction may require the recipient to publish, or take reasonable steps to cause to be published, any of the following:
(a) a statement that the recipient or the controlled entity is a slow small business payer;
(b) information on how to access payment times reports that relate to the recipient or the controlled entity.
(3) The direction may require the recipient to publish the statement or information, or take reasonable steps to cause the statement or information to be published:
(a) on the recipient's website or the controlled entity's website; or
(b) in documents relating to procurement processes, including requests for quotes and tender documents; or
(c) in documents relating to the environmental, social and governance policies or performance of the entity or the controlled entity; or
(d) in invoices; or
(e) in other kinds of commercial documents; or
(f) in any other way that the Minister considers appropriate.
(4) The direction may require the statement or information to be published in a specified manner, including by imposing any of the following requirements:
(a) a requirement relating to the prominence of the statement or information;
(b) a requirement relating to the location of the statement or information in relation to other material.