A form of agreement specified in an instrument under section 6 must include provisions that are directed towards assisting service providers, over time, to fulfil the following responsibilities:
(a) to help people who are homeless to resolve crisis, and to achieve greater independence, through the following:
(i) case management;
(ii) assessment and referral;
(iii) if appropriate--early intervention and re - establishment of family links;
(b) to further the integration into the community of people who are homeless by increasing access to the following:
(i) employment;
(ii) education and training;
(iii) health services (including mental health services);
(iv) disability and rehabilitation services;
(v) children's support services;
(vi) income support;
(vii) other appropriate opportunities and resources;
(c) to help people who are homeless to obtain long - term, secure and affordable housing and accommodation by providing access to a range of options suitable to their needs;
(d) to complement other services available to people who are homeless.