(1) Subject to section 17, a jet aircraft of a type specified in a legislative instrument made under subsection (2) may:
(a) take off from runway 16R during a curfew period if the start of roll is from south of the intersection of that runway and taxiway G; or
(b) land on runway 34L during a curfew period.
(2) Subject to subsections (5) and (6), the Minister may, by legislative instrument, specify a type of jet aircraft that:
(a) has a maximum take - off weight of 34,000 kilograms or less; and
(b) complies with the maximum noise levels specified in Chapter 3 of the Annex that are applicable to the maximum take - off weight of the aircraft (whether or not the Chapter is expressed to apply to the aircraft); and
(c) complies with the 90 - 95 noise level rule specified in subsection (3).
(3) A type of aircraft complies with the 90 - 95 rule if aircraft of that type have a noise level that:
(a) on take - off:
(i) does not exceed 90 EPNdB; or
(ii) if the amount in excess of 90 EPNdB is offset by a maximum noise level on landing that is correspondingly lower than the amount specified in subparagraph (b)(i) for landing noise--does not exceed 92 EPNdB; and
(b) on landing:
(i) does not exceed 95 EPNdB; or
(ii) if the amount in excess of 95 EPNdB is offset by a maximum noise level on take - off that is correspondingly lower than the amount specified in subparagraph (a)(i)--does not exceed 97 EPNdB.
(4) In subsection (3), noise level , expressed as a figure of EPNdB, means the effective perceived noise in decibels:
(a) measured by reference to the test procedures specified in Chapter 3 of the Annex; and
(b) certified in a noise certificate.
(6) The consultation procedures set out in the Schedule apply if the Minister proposes to make a legislative instrument under subsection (2).