(1) No tax is payable under a law of the Commonwealth, New South Wales or Victoria in respect of:
(a) an exempt matter; or
(b) anything done (including, for example, a transaction entered into or an instrument or oral agreement made, executed, lodged or given) because of, or for a purpose connected with or arising out of, an exempt matter.
Note: Section 177 - 5 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 cancels the effect of this section in respect of the GST. Section 49A of this Act deals with supplies that are GST - free.
(2) The Finance Minister or an authorised person may, in writing, certify whether:
(a) a particular matter or thing is an exempt matter; or
(b) a particular thing was done (including, for example, a transaction entered into or an instrument or oral agreement made, executed, lodged or given) because of, or for a purpose connected with or arising out of, a particular exempt matter.
(3) For all purposes and in all proceedings, a certificate under subsection ( 2) is conclusive evidence of the matter certified, except to the extent (if any) to which the contrary is proved.
(4) Unless the contrary is proved, a document purporting to be a certificate under subsection ( 2) is to be taken to be such a certificate and to have been duly signed.