(1) If any proceedings to which:
(a) the Murray - Darling Basin Commission; or
(b) a person in the person's capacity as the President or a Commissioner;
was a party were pending in any court or tribunal immediately before the commencement of this Part, from that commencement the Authority is substituted for the Murray - Darling Basin Commission or the person as a party to the proceedings.
(2) The President is the person appointed in accordance with subclause 20(1) of the former MDB Agreement, and includes a Deputy President appointed under subclause 20(3) (in the capacity of Deputy President or acting President).
(3) A Commissioner is a person appointed in accordance with subclause 20(2) of the former MDB Agreement, and includes a Deputy Commissioner appointed under that subclause.
Note: The Agreement provides for the Basin States to indemnify the Authority for a share of the costs associated with, or arising from, proceedings covered by this section.