[1] Regulation 4K
4K Terrorist organisations -- Jaish‑e‑Mohammad (JeM)
(1) For paragraph (b) of the definition of terrorist organisation in subsection 102.1 (1) of the Code, the organisation known as Jaish‑e‑Mohammad (JeM) is specified.
(2) For subregulation (1), Jaish‑e‑Mohammad (JeM) is also known by the following names:
(a) Army of Mohammed;
(b) Army of the Prophet;
(c) Jaish‑e‑Mohammad Mujahideen E‑Tanzeem;
(d) Jaish‑e‑Mohammed;
(e) Jaish‑e‑Muhammad;
(f) Jaish‑e‑Muhammed;
(g) Jaish‑i‑Mohammad;
(h) Jaish‑i‑Mohammed;
(i) Jaish‑i‑Muhammad;
(j) Jaish‑i‑Muhammed;
(k) Jamaat ul‑Furqan (JuF);
(l) Jesh‑e‑Mohammadi;
(m) Khudamul Islam;
(n) Khuddam ul‑Islam (KuI);
(o) Kuddam e Islami;
(p) Mohammed's Army;
(q) National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty and Army of the Prophet;
(r) Tehrik al‑Furgan;
(s) Tehrik Ul‑Furqaan.