New South Wales Bills

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                         New South Wales

Crimes Legislation Amendment
(Existing Life Sentences) Bill 2001


            1 Name of Act                                             2
            2 Commencement                                            2
            3 Amendment of Crimes (Sentencing Procedure)
              Act 1999 No 92                                          2
            4 Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences)
              Act 1999 No 93                                          2

            1 Amendment of Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999     3
            2 Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences)
              Act 1999                                                5
I certify that this PUBLIC BILL, which originated in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, has

                                              Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
                                              Legislative Assembly,
                                              Sydney,                       , 2001

                               New South Wales

Crimes Legislation Amendment
(Existing Life Sentences) Bill 2001
Act No     , 2001

An Act to amend the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 and the Crimes
(Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 with respect to certain offenders serving life
sentences or sentences that have previously been life sentences.

I have examined this Bill, and find it to correspond in all respects with the Bill as
finally passed by both Houses.

                            Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly.
Clause 1          Crimes Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences) Bill 2001

The Legislature of New South Wales enacts:

   1     Name of Act
             This Act is the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Existing Life
             Sentences) Act 2001.

   2     Commencement
             This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by

   3     Amendment of Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 No 92
             The Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 is amended as set out in
             Schedule 1.

   4     Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 No 93
             The Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 is amended as set
             out in Schedule 2.

Page 2
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences) Bill 2001

Amendment of Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999                     Schedule 1

Schedule 1           Amendment of Crimes (Sentencing
                     Procedure) Act 1999
                                                                            (Section 3)

 [1]    Schedule 1 Existing life sentences

        Insert in alphabetical order in clause 1:
                     sentencing court, in relation to an offender who has been
                     resentenced as a result of a re-trial or other appeal proceedings,
                     includes both the court by which a penalty was originally
                     imposed for the offence and the court (whether the same court
                     or a different court) by which a penalty was finally imposed for
                     the offence.

 [2]    Schedule 1, clause 2

        Omit "20" from clause 2 (2) (b). Insert instead "30".

 [3]    Schedule 1, clause 4

        Insert after clause 4 (2):
                (3) In the case of an offender who is the subject of a non-release
                    recommendation, the Supreme Court may dispose of an
                    application in relation to an existing life sentence:
                    (a)    by setting a non-parole period for the sentence, or
                    (b)    by declining to set a non-parole period for the sentence,
                      but does not have jurisdiction to set a specified term for the

 [4]    Schedule 1, clause 8

        Insert "or (3)" after "(1)" in clause 8 (1) (a).

 [5]    Schedule 2 Savings, transitional and other provisions

        Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                      Crimes Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences)
                      Act 2001

                                                                                Page 3
                    Crimes Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences) Bill 2001

Schedule 1          Amendment of Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999

 [6]     Schedule 2, Part 3

         Insert after Part 2 of Schedule 2:

         Part 3     Provisions consequent on enactment of Crimes
                    Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences)
                    Act 2001

          38      Definition
                      In this Part, the 2001 amending Act means the Crimes
                      Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences) Act 2001.

          39      Application of amendments
                      The amendments made to this Act by the 2001 amending Act
                      do not affect:
                      (a)    any proceedings before the Supreme Court on an
                             application under clause 2 of Schedule 1 to this Act that
                             had been made, but not disposed of, before the
                             commencement of those amendments, or
                      (b)    any determination made by the Supreme Court under
                             clause 4 of Schedule 1 to this Act before the
                             commencement of those amendments.

Page 4
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences) Bill 2001

Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999             Schedule 2

Schedule 2           Amendment of Crimes (Administration of
                     Sentences) Act 1999
                                                                            (Section 4)

 [1]    Section 3 Interpretation

        Insert "154A," after "150," in paragraph (a) of the definition of parole order
        in section 3 (1).

 [2]    Section 154A

        Insert after section 154:

       154A     Serious offenders the subject of non-release recommendations
                (1) Section 143 does not require the Parole Board to give
                    preliminary consideration as to whether or not a serious
                    offender the subject of a non-release recommendation should
                    be released on parole unless an application for that purpose is
                    made to the Parole Board by or on behalf of the offender.
                (2) An application under this section must be lodged with the
                    Secretary of the Parole Board.
                (3) After considering the application, the Parole Board may make
                    an order directing the release of the offender on parole if, and
                    only if, the Parole Board:
                    (a)     is satisfied (on the basis of a report prepared by the
                            Chief Executive Officer of the Corrections Health
                            Service) that the offender:
                            (i)     is in imminent danger of dying, or is
                                    incapacitated to the extent that he or she no
                                    longer has the physical ability to do harm to any
                                    person, and
                            (ii)    has demonstrated that he or she does not pose a
                                    risk to the community, and
                    (b)     is further satisfied that, because of those circumstances,
                            the making of such an order is justified.
                (4) In this section serious offender the subject of a non-release
                    recommendation means a serious offender:

                                                                               Page 5
                    Crimes Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences) Bill 2001

Schedule 2          Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999

                      (a)     who is serving a sentence for which a determination has
                              been made under clause 4 of Schedule 1 to the Crimes
                              (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999, and
                      (b)     who is the subject of a non-release recommendation
                              within the meaning of that Schedule.

 [3]     Section 169 Conduct of inquiry into suspected breach of obligations or
         medical recovery

         Insert after section 169 (1):
               (1A) In the case of an offender who has been granted parole on the
                    grounds that he or she is in imminent danger of dying or is
                    incapacitated to the extent that he or she no longer has the
                    physical ability to do harm to any person, as referred to in
                    section 154A (3), the Parole Board may also conduct an inquiry
                    if it suspects that those grounds no longer exist.

 [4]     Section 170 Revocation of parole order

         Insert after section 170 (1) (a):
                      (a1)    in the case of an offender who has been granted parole
                              on the grounds that he or she is in imminent danger of
                              dying or is incapacitated to the extent that he or she no
                              longer has the physical ability to do harm to any person,
                              as referred to in section 154A (3), if it is satisfied that
                              those grounds no longer exist, or

 [5]     Schedule 5 Savings, transitional and other provisions

         Insert at the end of clause 1 (1):
                      Crimes Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences)
                      Act 2001

Page 6
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences) Bill 2001

Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999            Schedule 2

 [6]    Schedule 5, Part 3

        Insert after Part 2 of Schedule 5:

        Part 3     Provisions consequent on enactment of Crimes
                   Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences)
                   Act 2001

          60     Definition
                      In this Part, the 2001 amending Act means the Crimes
                      Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences) Act 2001.

          61     Application of amendments to pending proceedings
                      The amendments made to this Act by the 2001 amending Act
                      do not affect:
                      (a)    any proceedings under Subdivision 3 of Division 2 of
                             Part 6 of this Act in respect of which the Parole Board
                             had taken action under section 144 of this Act, but had
                             not made a decision under section 149 or 150 of this
                             Act, before the commencement of those amendments,
                      (b)    any parole order made by the Parole Board under
                             section 149, 150 or 160 of this Act before the
                             commencement of those amendments.

          62     Application of amendments to offenders the subject of existing
                      Subject to clause 61, the amendments made to this Act by the
                      2001 amending Act apply to a serious offender:
                      (a)   who is serving a sentence for which a determination had
                            been made under clause 4 of Schedule 1 to the Crimes
                            (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 before the
                            commencement of those amendments (including a
                            determination referred to in clause 21 of Schedule 2 to
                            that Act), and
                      (b)   who is the subject of a non-release recommendation
                            within the meaning of that Schedule,

                                                                             Page 7
             Crimes Legislation Amendment (Existing Life Sentences) Bill 2001

Schedule 2   Amendment of Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999

               in the same way as they apply to a serious offender who is
               serving a sentence for which such a determination is made after
               that commencement and who is the subject of such a

Page 8


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