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       Summary Offences (Amendment) Act 1998
                           Act No.

                     TABLE OF PROVISIONS
Clause                                         Page
  1.     Purpose                                  1
  2.     Commencement                             1
  3.     Principal Act                            2
  4.     Habitual drunkard                        2
  5.     Making false reports to police           2
  6.     Transitional                             3

NOTES                                             4




PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA A BILL to amend the Summary Offences Act 1966 and for other purposes. Summary Offences (Amendment) Act 1998 The Parliament of Victoria enacts as follows: 1. Purpose The purpose of this Act is to amend the Summary Offences Act 1966 with respect to-- (a) habitual drunkenness; and 5 (b) making a false report to police. 2. Commencement This Act comes into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent. 1 532063B.I1-24/2/98



Summary Offences (Amendment) Act 1998 s. 3 Act No. 3. Principal Act No. 7405. In this Act, the Summary Offences Act 1966 is Reprinted to called the Principal Act. No. 23/1994 and subsequently amended by No. 44/1997. 4. Habitual drunkard 5 Section 15 of the Principal Act is repealed. 5. Making false reports to police (1) In section 53(1) of the Principal Act, for "15 penalty units or imprisonment for three months" substitute "120 penalty units or imprisonment for 10 1 year". (2) In section 53 of the Principal Act, for sub-section (6A) substitute-- '(6A) In addition to and without derogating from section 86 of the Sentencing Act 1991, if a 15 court finds a person guilty of, or convicts a person of, an offence against this section, the court may order the person to pay to the informant a reasonable amount for any expenses, including remuneration payable to 20 members of the police force, incurred by the State arising out of or incidental to the commission of the offence. (6AB) In sub-section (6A) "remuneration", in relation to a person, includes long service 25 leave entitlements, holiday pay, superannuation contributions and any other employment benefits. (6AC) If a court decides to make an order under sub-section (6A), sub-sections (2), (3), (4), 30 (7), (8) and (9) of section 86 of the Sentencing Act 1991 apply as if-- 2 532063B.I1-24/2/98



Summary Offences (Amendment) Act 1998 s. 6 Act No. (a) a reference to an order under sub- section (1) were a reference to an order under sub-section (6A); and (b) a reference to compensation were a 5 reference to expenses referred to in sub-section (6A). (6AD) An order under sub-section (6A) must be taken to be a judgment debt due by the offender to the informant and payment of 10 any amount remaining unpaid under the order may be enforced in the court by which it was made.'. 6. Transitional In section 62 of the Principal Act, at the end of the 15 section insert-- "(2) Section 53 as amended by section 5 of the Summary Offences (Amendment) Act 1998 applies only to offences committed after the commencement of that Act.". 20 3 532063B.I1-24/2/98



Summary Offences (Amendment) Act 1998 Notes Act No. NOTES By Authority. Government Printer for the State of Victoria. 4 532063B.I1-24/2/98



Summary Offences (Amendment) Act 1998 Act No. 5 532063B.I1-24/2/98




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