(1) A person commits a piratical act if—
(a) being an Australian citizen, he commits any piracy or robbery or any act of hostility or robbery against other Australian citizens on the sea under colour of any commission from any foreign ruler or under pretence of authority from any person whatever; or
(b) being on board any Australian ship he—
(i) turns pirate, enemy or rebel, and piratically runs away with the ship, or any boat, munitions or goods;
(ii) voluntarily yields up the ship, or any boat, munitions or goods to any pirate;
(iii) brings any seducing message from any pirate, enemy or rebel;
(iv) assaults the master of the ship in order to prevent him from fighting in defence of his ship and goods;
(v) confines the master of the ship; or
(vi) makes or endeavours to make a revolt in the ship.
S. 70B(2) amended by Nos 37/1986 s. 11,
49/1991 s. 119(1)
(Sch. 2 item 37(a)).
(2) Any person who commits a piratical act shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction upon indictment to—
S. 70B(2)(a) inserted by No. 37/1986 s. 11, substituted by Nos 49/1991
s. 119(1)
(Sch. 2
item 37(b)), 48/1997
s. 60(1)(Sch. 1 item 49).
(a) level 3 imprisonment (20 years maximum); or
S. 70B(2)(b) inserted by No. 37/1986 s. 11, amended by No. 49/1991
s. 119(1)
(Sch. 2 item 37(c)).
(b) imprisonment for such other term as is fixed by the court—
as the court determines.
(1721) 8 George I,
c. XXIV s. 1.
S. 70C inserted by No. 9407 s. 2(b), amended by Nos 49/1991
s. 119(1)
(Sch. 2
item 38), 48/1997
s. 60(1)(Sch. 1 item 50).