(1) The plans must—
(a) be drawn in accordance with AS 1100 as in force on the commencement of this regulation, unless—
(i) the plans were drawn before the commencement of the standard; or
(ii) the plans complied with the standard at the time they were drawn; and
(b) show any area marked on a certificate of title or deposited plan as an easement; and
(c) if the building work to which the plan relates will require the connection of a pipe to, or alteration of the connection of a pipe to the sewerage system—show any point of connection of a pipe on the parcel of land to the sewerage system; and
(d) if the building work to which the plan relates will require the connection of a pipe to, or alteration of the connection of a pipe to a water main—show any point of connection of a pipe on the parcel of land to the water main; and
(e) if the building work to which the plan relates will require the connection of a pipe to, or alteration of the connection of a pipe to a stormwater drain—show any point of connection of a pipe on the parcel of land to the stormwater system; and
(f) if the building work to which the plan relates will, when finished, alter the surface stormwater drainage on parcel of land where the work is to be done—show the proposed surface stormwater drainage on the parcel at the completion of the work; and
(g) include a site plan on a scale of not less than 1:200 showing the block, section, boundaries and dimensions of the parcel of land.
(2) In this regulation:
Australian Standard 1100 includes AS/NZS 1100.501:2002.
"easement"—see the Act, section 52.
"stormwater system" means a system of pipes, gutters, drains, floodways and channels that are designed to collect or carry stormwater in or through an urban area, other than for a single parcel of land.
"utility service"—see the Utilities Act 2000 , dictionary.
"water main" means a conduit or pipeline—
(a) owned, controlled or maintained by a utility service; and
(b) designed to carry drinking water supplied by the service.