(1) This regulation does not apply to the transport of dangerous goods by, or at the direction of, an authorised person or a member of an emergency service, to the extent necessary to avoid, eliminate or minimise a dangerous situation.
(2) This regulation does not apply to the transport by a person of a load of dangerous goods if—
(a) the load does not contain—
(i) dangerous goods in a receptacle with a capacity of more than 500L; or
(ii) more than 500kg of dangerous goods in a receptacle; and
(b) the goods are not, and do not include, designated dangerous goods; and
(c) the aggregate quantity of the dangerous goods in the load is less than 25% of a placard load; and
(d) the goods are not being transported by the person in the course of a business of transporting goods by road.
(3) This regulation does not apply to the transport by a vehicle of UN class 1 (explosives) or UN class 7 (radioactive) dangerous goods except when being transported with other dangerous goods.
(4) This regulation does not apply to the transport by a vehicle of dangerous goods—
(a) in a consignment where the aggregate quantity of dangerous goods is less than the quantity for which an inner package is required by the ADG code to be marked with a proper shipping name or the technical name of the substance; or
(b) in the vehicle's fuel tank; or
(c) in an appliance or plant that forms part of the vehicle and that is necessary for its operation; or
(d) that are portable fire fighting equipment or other portable safety equipment and that are part of the vehicle's safety equipment.
(5) In this section:
"designated dangerous goods" means dangerous goods of the following:
(a) UN class 1 (explosives), except dangerous goods of UN division 1.4S;
(b) category A of UN division 6.2 (infectious substances);
(c) UN class 7 (radioactive material).