(see reg 3)
Note 1 The Legislation Act contains definitions and other provisions relevant to these regulations.
Note 2 For example, the Legislation Act, dict, pt 1, defines the following terms:
• doctor
• under.
Note 3 Terms used in these regulations have the same meaning that they have in the Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Regulations 1994 (see Legislation Act, s 148). For example, the following terms are defined in the Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Regulations 1994, section 4:
• mental health officer.
"interstate agreement" means any of the following agreements about the interstate application of mental health laws:
(a) the agreement dated 25 July 2002 between the Minister for Health for the ACT and the Minister for Health of the State of Victoria (the Victorian agreement);
(b) the agreement dated 30 August 2002 between the Minister for Health for the ACT and the Minister for Health of the State of Queensland (the Queensland agreement);
(c) the agreement dated 18 November 2003 between the Minister for Health for the ACT and the Minister for Health of the State of New South Wales (the "New South Wales agreement").
"interstate apprehension order" means an interstate apprehension order under an interstate agreement.
"NSW Act" means the Mental Health Act 1990 (NSW).
"Queensland Act" means the Mental Health Act 2000 (Qld).
"Victorian Act" means the Mental Health Act 1986 (Vic).
1 Notification
Notified under the Legislation Act on 15 December 2003.
2 Republications of amended laws
For the latest republication of amended laws, see
© Australian Capital Territory 2003