(1) Medicines authorisations under this regulation that are specific to health-related occupations are given by the following provisions (and are set out in schedule 1):
(a) section 30 (which is about authorisations under schedule 1 to prescribe medicines);
(b) section 50 (which is about authorisations under schedule 1 to issue requisitions for medicines);
(c) section 60 (which is about authorisations under schedule 1 to issue purchase orders for medicines);
(d) section 110 (which is about authorisations under schedule 1 to supply medicines);
Note Supply includes dispense on prescription (see Act, s 24).
(e) section 350 (which is about authorisations under schedule 1 for people in health-related occupations to administer medicines);
(f) section 370 (which is about authorisations under schedule 1 to obtain and possess medicines);
(g) section 380 (which is about authorisations under schedule 1 to manufacture medicines).
(2) For other authorisations, see the following provisions:
(a) section 70 (which is about authorisation of CHO to issue standing orders for supply of medicines in public health emergencies);
(b) section 71 (which is about authorisation of CHO to issue standing orders for administration of medicines for public health matters);
(c) section 75 (which is about authorisation of doctors to issue standing orders for administration of medicines at institutions);
(d) section 251 (which is about authorisation to supply certain medicines without prescription in emergencies);
(e) section 260 (which is about authorisation to supply medicines to pharmacists for disposal);
(f) section 261 (which is about authorisation to supply medicines to commercial disposal operators for disposal);
(g) section 360 (which is about authorisation for self-administration of medicines);
(h) section 361 (which is about authorisation for the administration of medicines by assistants);
(i) section 371 (which is about authorisation to obtain and possess medicines for certain personal use-related dealings);
(j) section 400 (which is about authorisation to deliver medicines under supply authorities);
(k) section 401 (which is about authorisation for commercial disposal operators for disposal of medicines);
(l) section 410 (which is about authorisation to supply and administer adrenaline and salbutamol);
(m) section 420 (which is about authorisations for CYP authorised people);
(n) section 421 (which is about authorisations for corrections officers);
(o) section 430 (which is about authorisations for non-controlled medicines research and education);
(p) section 440 (which is about authorisations under controlled medicines research and education program licences);
(q) section 450 (which is about authorisations under first-aid kit licences);
(r) section 460 (which is about authorisations under medicines wholesalers licences);
(s) section 470 (which is about authorisations under opioid dependency treatment licences);
(t) section 480 (which is about authorisations under pharmacy medicines rural communities licences).