(ACT taxi reg 11 (3), NSW Taxi cl 20 (6))
(1) The driver of a taxi must ensure that the taxi's roof sign is operated in accordance with this regulation.
Maximum penalty: 5 penalty units.
(2) The roof sign must be operated so that it is not lit when the taxi is not available for hire (including, for example, when the taxi is travelling to a pick-up point within the meaning of regulation 127 (When do taxi hirings begin and end?)).
(3) If the taxi is exempt under regulation 95 (2) (Taxis to be fitted with taximeters) from being fitted with a taximeter complying with the standards for taximeters approved by the road transport authority the roof sign must also be operated so that—
(a) it is not lit while the taxi is hired; and
(b) it is lit while the taxi is available for hire.
(4) In this regulation:
"roof sign" means the roof sign mentioned in regulation 106 (2) (Taxi roof sign indicating hiring availability).