(1) A draft or final master plan must identify any proposed sensitive development in the plan.
(2) A sensitive development is the development of, or a redevelopment that increases the capacity of, any of the following:
(a) a residential dwelling;
(b) a community care facility;
(c) a pre - school;
(d) a primary, secondary, tertiary or other educational institution;
(e) a hospital.
(2A) A sensitive development does not include the following:
(a) an aviation educational facility;
(b) accommodation for students studying at an aviation educational facility at the airport;
(c) a facility with the primary purpose of providing emergency medical treatment and which does not have in - patient facilities;
(d) a facility with the primary purpose of providing in - house training to staff of an organisation conducting operations at the airport.
(3) In this section:
"aviation educational facility" means any of the following:
(a) a flying training school;
(b) an aircraft maintenance training school;
(c) a facility that provides training in relation to air traffic control;
(d) a facility that provides training for cabin crew;
(e) any other facility with the primary purpose of providing training in relation to aviation related activities.
"community care facility" includes the following:
(a) a facility that provides aged care within the meaning given by the Aged Care Act 1997 ;
(c) a retirement village within the meaning given by the Social Security Act 1991 ;
(d) a facility that provides respite care within the meaning given by the Aged Care Act 1997 .