(1) A payment of financial assistance under this Act to a State or Territory is subject to the following conditions:
(a) the total amount of funding provided by the State or Territory for a year for government schools located in the State or Territory must equal or exceed the State - Territory contribution amount for government schools in the State or Territory for the year;
(b) the total amount of funding provided by the State or Territory for a year for non - government schools located in the State or Territory must equal or exceed the State - Territory contribution amount for non - government schools in the State or Territory for the year.
(2) The State - Territory contribution amount for government schools or non - government schools in a State or Territory for a year is the amount worked out using the following formula:
(3) Unless the State or Territory's school education reform agreement specifies otherwise, the State - Territory share for the State or Territory for a year from 2018 to 2023 (inclusive) is the percentage worked out using the following formula:
"final State-Territory share" means the State - Territory share (within the meaning of subsection (4)) for government schools or non - government schools, as the case requires, for the State or Territory for a year after 2023.
"starting State-Territory share" means the percentage prescribed by the regulations for the year for government schools or non - government schools, as the case requires, in the State or Territory.
"transition rate" means:
(a) for 2018--0%; and
(b) for each later year--the transition rate for the previous year increased by 20 percentage points.
(4) Unless the State or Territory's school education reform agreement specifies otherwise, the State - Territory share for the State or Territory for a year after 2023:
(a) for government schools is:
(i) if the starting State - Territory share (within the meaning of subsection (3)) for the State or Territory for government schools is 75% or less--75%; or
(ii) if the starting State - Territory share for the State or Territory for government schools is more than 75% but less than 80%--the starting State - Territory share; or
(iii) if the starting State - Territory share for the State or Territory for government schools is 80% or more--80%; and
(b) for non - government schools is:
(i) if the starting State - Territory share for the State or Territory for non - government schools is 15% or less--15%; or
(ii) if the starting State - Territory share for the State or Territory for non - government schools is more than 15% but less than 20%--the starting State - Territory share; or
(iii) if the starting State - Territory share for the State or Territory for non - government schools is 20% or more--20%.
(5) The total SRS amount for the State or Territory is:
(a) for government schools--the sum of the amounts worked out under Division 2 of Part 3 for the year for each government school located in the State or Territory, as if the Commonwealth share for the year were 100%; and
(b) for non - government schools--the sum of the amounts worked out under Division 2 of Part 3 for the year for each non - government school located in the State or Territory, as if the Commonwealth share for the year were 100%.
(6) The school education reform agreement for a State or Territory is the agreement between the State or Territory and the Commonwealth relating to implementation by the State or Territory of school education reform mentioned in paragraph 22(2)(b).