(1A) The amount of an instalment of levy payable by a leviable entity for a financial year is the amount determined under subsection ( 1).
(1) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, determine the amount of an instalment of levy payable by a leviable entity for a financial year.
(2) However:
(a) the Minister must make at least one determination under subsection ( 1) for a financial year; and
(b) the sum of all amounts of all instalments of levy payable by all leviable entities for a financial year must not exceed the statutory limit for that year.
( 3 ) A determination made for the purposes of subsection ( 1) may do one or more of the following :
(a) specify a n amount or a met hod for determining an amount;
(b) specify different amounts or methods for differen t classes of leviable entities;
(c) specify a nil amount or a method resulting in a nil amount;
(d ) specify methods that refer to acts done or circumstances existing before either the commencement of the determination or the commencement of this Act, or both .
Retrospective application of determinations
(4) Subsection 12(2) (retrospective application of legislative instruments) of the Legislation Act 2003 does not apply to a determination made for the purposes of subsection ( 1).