(1) The Inspector - General must prepare a work plan, in writing, for each financial year.
(2) The work plan for a financial year must set out the key outcomes and priorities for the Inspector - General for the financial year, including:
(a) the reviews that the Inspector - General intends to conduct under section 10 during the financial year; and
(b) details of each review, including when each review will be conducted.
(3) The Inspector - General must consult the Minister in preparing a work plan for a financial year. The Inspector - General may also consult any other person the Inspector - General considers appropriate.
Note: The Inspector - General is not subject to direction by the Minister in relation to these matters: see section 10C (independence of Inspector - General).
(4) The Inspector - General must publish the work plan for a financial year on the Inspector - General's website as soon as practicable after it has been finalised.
(5) A work plan prepared under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.