(1) The Regulator must publish on its website a prohibition notice or an improvement notice within 21 days after the notice is issued.
(2) However, the Regulator must not publish the notice if it is aware that the decision to issue the notice is the subject of an application for review by a court.
(3) If the notice is published on the Regulator's website and the decision to issue the notice is, or becomes, the subject of an application for review by a court, the Regulator must remove the notice from the website as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the application.
(4) If all rights for judicial review (including any right of appeal) in relation to the decision to issue the notice have been exhausted, and the decision to issue the notice has been upheld, the Regulator must publish the notice on its website within 21 days after becoming aware that the rights have been exhausted.
(5) If a notice contains personal information (within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988 ), the Regulator must take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the information is de - identified before the notice is published.