This Part provides for the 4 kinds of licences that may be granted under this Act to eligible persons.
• A feasibility licence authorises the licence holder to assess the feasibility of an offshore infrastructure project and apply for a commercial licence for the project.
• A commercial licence authorises the licence holder to carry out an offshore infrastructure project for the purpose of exploiting renewable energy resources. A commercial licence can only be granted to the holder of a feasibility licence.
• A research and demonstration licence authorises research into, or demonstration of, offshore renewable energy infrastructure or offshore electricity transmission infrastructure.
• A transmission and infrastructure licence authorises the licence holder to store, transmit or convey electricity (which may or may not be from renewable sources) or a renewable energy product. Unlike the other kinds of licence, a transmission and infrastructure licence can cover one or more areas outside a declared area.
The regulations must prescribe a licensing scheme dealing with application procedures and other matters relating to licences.
For a licence to be granted to an eligible person, the licence must meet merit criteria relating to the capabilities and suitability of the eligible person, the viability of the project to be carried out under the licence and other matters prescribed by the licensing scheme.
A licence is granted for a particular term, until the end day of the licence, which may be extended in certain circumstances. After the end day, the licence ceases to authorise most offshore infrastructure activities but remains in force until it is cancelled or surrendered (see Division 3 of Part 2 of this Chapter for cancellation and surrender of licences).