Act No. 83 of 1981 as amended
This compilation was prepared on 4 October 2000
taking into account amendments up to Act No. 29 of 1994
The text of any of those amendments not in force
on that date is appended in the Notes section
The operation of amendments that have been incorporated may be
affected by application provisions that are set out in the Notes section
Prepared by the Office of Legislative Drafting,
Attorney-General's Department, Canberra
1 Short title [see Note 1] ...........................
2 Commencement [see Note 1] .......................
3 Interpretation.................................
4 Exploration licence fees..........................
4A Holder liable to pay fee...........................
4B Time for payment..............................
5 Penalty for late payment..........................
6 Fees and penalties debts due to Commonwealth............
7 Regulations..................................