(1) A complaint to the court under paragraph 536 (1) (b) of the Law must be made—
(a) for a winding-up by the court—by an interlocutory process seeking an inquiry; and
(b) for a voluntary winding-up—by an originating process seeking an inquiry.
(2) A report to the court by the commission under subsection 536 (2) of the Law must be made—
(a) for a winding-up by the court—by filing—
(i) an interlocutory process seeking orders under the subsection; and
(ii) a written report in a sealed envelope that is marked with the title and number of the proceeding; and
(b) for a voluntary winding-up—by filing—
(i) an originating process seeking orders under the subsection; and
(ii) a written report in a sealed envelope that is marked with the title of the proceeding and provision for its number.
(3) The contents of a report filed under subrule (2) need not, at the time of filing, be verified by an affidavit.
(4) Except with the leave of the court, a report made under subsection 536 (2) of the Law is not available for inspection by anyone except the liquidator or the commission.
(5) In this rule—
"liquidator" includes a provisional liquidator.