(1) The payment amount for a person is the amoun t worked out for the person by a method prescribed by the rules.
(2) The rules may prescribe different methods for different circumstances.
(3) In making rules for the purposes of this section, the Minister must have regard to the following principles:
(a) the amount a person should receive, if the person accepts an offer, should broadly reflect the amount that is 70% of the excess (if any) of a productivity - scored wage over an actual wage , indexed in accordance with the method in section 8A ;
( b ) to ens ure that the person retains that amount after tax, the amount should be increased to take account of expected tax ;
(c) the amount should be nil if a person's productivity - scored wage is the same or less than the person's actual wage.
(4 ) Despite subsection ( 3), t he rules may have the following effect:
(a) if the amount worked out for a person is less than $1--that the payment amount for the person is nil;
(b) if the amount worked out for the person is at least $1 but less than $100-- that the amount the person should retain after tax is $100.
(5) In this Act:
"actual wage" means the total wages, worked out in accordance with the rules, that a person was paid in respect of all eligible days for the person.
"productivity-scored wage" means the total wages, worked out in accordance with the rules, that the person could reasonably have been expected to have been paid in respect of all eligible days for the person if the productivity component of a BSWAT assessment had comprised the whole of the BSWAT assessment.